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Due to radical changes in the tile's behavior and data structure, new light tiles are not compatible with their old implementation. We are sorry for any inconvenience!

The Light tile can manage appliances whose status can be on, off or dimmed, with a brightness level between 0 and 100.

For both input and output purposes, the tile assumes the following conventions:

  • color: to be in HEX format.
  • brightness: an integer value ranging from 0 to 100.


  • state parameters:
    • brightness - the light brightness state communicated by the device (the light).
    • color - the light color state communicated by the device (the light).
  • command parameters
    • brightness - the light desired brightness state picked by the user.
    • color - the light desired color state picked by the user.


Refer to the tunables section of the tiles page for the list of generated tunables related to the two parameters.

Lights expose moreover the following dedicated tunables:
