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The toggle tile allows you to control devices that require two states to function, as for example an on-off switch, an open-close door, an active-inactive service and so on.

Any toggle tile can work both as a sensor (i.e. only passively receiving a state) and as actuator. In the latter case, whenever the user presses the tile, the on payload will be sent if the current state is off and vice versa. If the state is not set or not recognized, the on state will be be sent by default.


You can override the default behavior when sending a payload from a unrecognized state via the dedicated tunable.

Different icons and color can be set to be shown when the state is on or off. In the unknown state, the tile's icon and color will be used instead.


The state of the tile is determined by the value received on the state topic (input topic). If this topic is different from the command topic (output topic) the tile's state will not be updated when a new value is sent. This may lead to unwanted behavior.


  • payload_default_off: overrides the default behavior and sends the off payload instead of the on one when the tile's state is unknown.